
The Source entity is a core component of STEMMA’s informational sub-model that is, the support that relates source descriptions, assimilation of information therein, analysis, transcriptions, and citations. More than that, though, it also provides a link from conclusions back through the reasoning and evidence, to the information involved, and to the underlying sources.


The Source entity is primarily built from a number of linked items, called profiles, which relate source fragments to concepts and relationships in a humanly-readable manner. Such information may be used to implement a Graphic Organiser that allows those relationships to be analysed visually in a process known as Link Analysis.




<Source Key=’key’>

[ <Title> source-title </Title> ]




[ TEXT_SEG ] ...






[ <Where DetLnk=’key’/> ]

[ <When DetLnk=’key’ | Value=’std-date’/> ]


[ <Credibility> information-credibility </Credibility> ]

[ <Reliability> information-reliability </Reliability> ]

[ <Quality> source-quality </Quality> ]

[ TEXT_SEG ] ...





<SourceLet [Key=’key’]>

[ <Title> sourcelet-title </Title> ]



[ TEXT_SEG ] ...





<ProtoPerson { DetKey=’key’ || Key=’key’ }>

[ <Title> proto-title </Title> ]


[ TEXT_SEG ] ...


<!-- or ProtoAnimal, ProtoPlace, ProtoGroup, ProtoEvent -->




<Commentary DetKey=’key’>

[ <Title> commentary-title </Title> ]


[ TEXT_SEG ] ...





<ProtoDate DetKey=’key’>

[ <Title> date-title </Title> ]


[ TEXT_SEG ] ...





<Link  [Type=’link-type’] { DetLnk=’key’ || Value=’value’ }>

[ TEXT_SEG ] ...



A ProtoPerson profile basically corresponds to what is described as a “persona” elsewhere, but there are also equivalent profiles for references to animals, places, and groups.


The various profiles — prototype subjects, prototype events, prototype dates, and commentary — have by one or more links; links to source fragments or to other profiles. Each link has a link-phrase that is used to describe the semantics of its data. Any outputs from a profile (i.e. Value and/or DetLnk) are associated with this link-phrase, and by default all links from an input profile are carried through to higher-level profiles, creating threads of information. For instance, a prototype person may have links to several source fragments that use the same link-phrase of “name”. By default, they would be merged, in their declared order, to yield a single Value and/or DetLnk, but an output link may make an inference to change the exported value for that thread. This is basically what happens in any profile: the links are acted up in-order to control the output threads, but the profile as a whole may be thought of as a “black box” that just relates inputs to outputs.  There are very few rules and the connectivity is subjective, according to the assimilation-analysis process of the user.


The distinction between “links”, which are mechanically created using the <Link> element, and “threads”, which are a notional concept, may appear confusing at first. The easiest way to visualise it is that the threads carry named items of information, and the profiles are snapshots of that information and knowledge at a particular point in the assimilation and analysis. The links indicate a dependency of one profile on another.


In software terms, the threads constitute notional named tuples of the form link-phrase={Value,DetLnk} that are carried by the links. The links must constitute a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), meaning no circularity.


The following link-types are currently predefined in the partially-controlled vocabulary



One of the functions of the link-type is to support applications that want to display different types of connector in a graphic organiser, or to allow a user to filter them based on the contents of the link-phrase. Others could be defined to support the evidence categories in Evidence Analysis Process Map, or distinguish link according to whether they relate to dates/events, persons, places, etc. See Extended Vocabularies for creating custom link-types.


The <Frame> element enumerates a list of materials relevant to the current source (such as citations, images, and transcriptions), and specifies the where and when relevant to the general source. The <Where> and <When> elements will usually refer to some corresponding profile in the body of the corresponding Source or SourceLet, but <When> may also take an explicit date value if it is known for the source but not visible in the transcription (e.g. for a census page).


The <Quality>, <Credibility>, and <Reliability> elements characterise the confidence in a source, and of information derived from it Note that these do not relate to a specific datum from the source. The Surety data-attribute is provided for that case. See Extended Vocabularies for defining custom values.


<ProtoPerson DetKey=‘dpJohn’>

<Link DetLnk=’dsJohn’ Value=’John’ Type=’Source’>



<Link DetLnk=’dsJohnRel’  Value=’neighbour’ Type=’Source’>

<Text>relation 1</Text>


<Link DetLnk=’dpSamuel’ Type=’Inference’>

<Text>relation 1</Text>




<ProtoPerson DetKey=‘dpSamuel’>

<Link DetLnk=’dsSamuel’  Value=’Samuel’ Type=’Source’>





What this represents are two prototype persons: dpJohn and dpSamuel. The first has a <Link> element identifying the name of “”John” in the transcribed source, and another pair of links identifying the relationship to dpSamuel, again beginning with a relevant source fragment as their input.


Note that the link-phrase may be chosen freely by the researcher, and may be expressed in multiple languages if required. Also, the link-phrase is not constrained by any taxonomy or controlled vocabulary.


The associated transcription would have labels to which these links would be connected. For instance:


<PersonRef DetKey=’dsJohn’>John</PersonRef> was the <Mark DetKey=’dsJohnRel’>neighbour of</Mark> <PersonRef DetKey=’dsSamual’>Samuel</PersonRef>


A link-type of Input may be used to build up a multi-tier persona-like profile. For instance:


<ProtoPerson DetKey=‘dpJohnSmith’>

<Link DetLnk=’dpJohn’ Type=’Input’/>

<Link DetLnk=’dpMrSmith’ Type=’Input’/>

<Link Value=’John Smith’ Type=’Inference’>





NB: This merged prototype effectively embraces all the threads from the lower-level prototypes (merged in order), and an inferred name was established to override the merged threads that have link-phrase “name”.


The same principles apply identically to ProtoAnimal, ProtoPlace, and ProtoGroup profiles. If they are defined with a DetKey of their own then they can be referenced in higher profiles in the detail-link network (see below). At the very top, a Key attribute may be specified that links to a conclusion entity of a corresponding type, and either Key or DetKey, or both, must be specified. For instance:


<ProtoPerson Key=’pJohnSmith’>


That would indicate an end to that prototype as a direct connection to a conclusion entity had been established.


The profiles ProtoEvent and/or ProtoDate might be connected using link values (again, free-form) to indicate their relative ordering. Elements of logic and inference can be specified on their own via the Commentary profile if necessary.


A more complex example may be found at: Census Roles.



Detail Linkage

Support for the Source and Matrix entities uses an independent set of keys to chain conclusions to reasoning, to evidence, and to the original information. The entity keys used elsewhere are strongly typed; when something expects a Person key then only a Person key will do. The detail-links, on the other hand, are un-typed, but they are scoped meaning they have referential containment. For clarity, attributes that define these keys are called DetKey, and the ones that reference them are called DetLnk.


The DATA_ATTRIBUTE syntax includes a DetLnk attribute and this means that it can be added to many conclusion items in a subject entity, including Property values. Because Property values are defined within a SourceLnk, their DetLnk instances can only refer to DetKey keys defined in the respective Source entities, or in an associated SourceLet. Other DetLnk instances can refer to DetKey keys in any Matrix or Source entity.


DetLnk instances in a Matrix entity can only refer to DetKey keys defined in the Source entities specified in its <Frame> element. DetLnk instances in a Source or SourceLet can only refer to DetKey keys in the same entity (or a lower SourceLet) or in a transcription associated with a Resource specified in the respective <Frame> element.