
A special type of person is represented by the Contact entity. These are typically other researchers or contributors who are not part of your family history data. If someone falls into both categories then the CONTACT_DETAILS can be added to their respective Person entity.


A Contact entity can be referenced by PersonRef mark-up, and by Properties or Params of type PersonRef, but not via FatherPersonLnk or MotherPersonLnk connections from a Person entity.


The only data associated with a Contact is their personal name and a set of ContactDetails. If a researcher or contributor also happens to be represented by a Person entity then a set of ContactDetails can be provided in there instead of via a separate Contact entity.




<Contact Key=’key’>


{ <Name [Mode=’name-mode’]> personal-name </Name> } ...



[ TEXT_SEG ] ...






[ <Address>

[ <AddressLine1> line1 </AddressLine1> ]

[ <AddressLine2> line2 </AddressLine2> ]

[ <AddressLine3> line3 </AddressLine3> ]

[ <TownOrCity> town-or-city </TownOrCity> ]

[ <StateOrProvince> region </StateOrProvince> ]

[ <PostalCode> postal-code </PostalCode> ]

[ <CountryCode> iso-3166-1 </CountryCode> ]

</Address> ]

[ <Phone>

{ <Number Tag=’tag’> E-123-phone-number </Number> } ...

</Phone> ]

[ <Emails>

{ <Email Tag=’tag’> email-address </Email> } ...

</Emails> ]

[ <Web>

{ <URL Tag=’tag’> url </URL> } ...

</Web> ]

[ <Messaging>

{ <Message Tag=’tag’> account </Message> } ...

</Messaging> ]

[ TEXT_SEG ] ...



The StateOrProvince address term should be interpreted as the top-level administrative division used in an address for the respective country, e.g. a State or a County. The name-mode is the same as for the <Canonical> element at NAME_VARIANTS.


The phone numbers are E.123 format. The Messaging systems are either instant-text or audio-visual systems. The tag is a user-defined or third-party identifier.