
This entity is strongly modelled on the Person entity: each have an associated hierarchy that depicts their biological lineage, each have alternative names, each have birth and death Events, and each can be members of a Group. The main differences, other than some slightly renamed elements, are that the Animal entity does not have any CONTACT_DETAILS, but it does have <Type> and <SubType> elements.




<Animal Key=’key’>

            [ <Title> animal-title </Title> ]

[ <Type> animal-type </Type> ]

[ <SubType> animal-subtype </SubType> ]

[ <Sex [DATA_ATTRIBUTE] ... > boolean </Sex> ]

[ NAME_VARIANTS | { <AnimalName [DATA_ATTRIBUTE] ... > animal-name  </AnimalName> } ]

[ <FatherAnimalLnk Key=’key’ [DATA_ATTRIBUTE] ... >

[ TEXT_SEG ] ...

</FatherAnimalLink> ]

[ <MotherAnimalLnk Key=’key’ [DATA_ATTRIBUTE] ... >

[ TEXT_SEG ] ...

</MotherAnimalLink> ]


[ <Birth>


[ TEXT_SEG ] ...

</Birth> ]

[ <Death>


[ TEXT_SEG ] ...

</Death> ]

[ <MemberOf  Key=’key’ [RANGE_FROM] [RANGE_TO]>

[ TEXT_SEG ] ...

</MemberOf> ] ...


[ EVENTLET ] ...

[ SOURCE_LNK ] ...


[ TEXT_SEG ] ...



The animal-type is the species or breed (e.g. Dog, Cat) and is defined by the partially-controlled vocabulary The animal-subtype represents the importance of the animal to the associated Persons (e.g. Pet, Mascot) and is represented by the partially-controlled vocabulary See Extended Vocabularies for creating custom animal-types and animal-subtypes.


The <AnimalName> element is provided as a much simplified alternative to the <Names> element for the case where there are no variations and the matched name is identical to just one canonical name. An animal-name specified by an <AnimalName> element is the equivalent of a ‘SemiFormal’ Canonical name provided by a <Names> element.


The full syntax for defining Properties, and for providing values, may be found at: Extended Properties. This scheme is fully open to custom properties. The ones presented below are the predefined ones associated with the namespace.




<PropertyDef Name=’Name’  Type=’AnimalRef’/>

The personal name of the animal, as recorded in the supporting source.


<PropertyDef Name=’Age’ Units=’y,m,w,d’ Type=’Measure’/>

The age of the animal, usually at the start of the current event. Default unit is ‘y’ (years) but also valid are ‘m’ (months), ‘w’ (weeks), and ‘d’ (days). The value may be fractional, e.g. 6.5 years, in which case the decimal point character is strictly prescribed under Locale-independence. Currently, no multi-unit ages are allowed, e.g. 3y 2m.


<PropertyDef Name=’Role’ ItemList=’1’ Type=’EnumList’/>

The role(s) of an animal in a multi-subject Event. Role values depend on the context but include: Parent, Offspring, and Deceased from the namespace or any of the sub-types from the namespace mentioned earlier. See Extended Vocabularies for custom roles.


<PropertyDef Name=’Status’ ItemList=’1’  Type=’Enum’/>

Status values depend on the context but includes the predefined values: Deceased, and Implied (i.e. mentioned but not present) from the namespace. The default is blank, i.e. none. See Extended Vocabularies for custom status values.


<PropertyDef Name=’Relationship’ ItemList=’1’  Type=’AnimalEL’/>

The relationship of an animal to another subject in a multi-subject Event. Animal Relationships are always relative to a specific person (e.g. Pet) or animal (e.g. Offspring, Parent, Sibling) — using the namespace and contrast with Roles which are relevant to the Event itself. See Extended Vocabularies for custom relationships.


<PropertyDef Name=’ResidencePlace’ Type=’PlaceRef’/>

Residential address. This is not the same as the Place that the Event occurred at.


<PropertyDef Name=’BirthPlace’ Type=’PlaceRef’/>

Place of birth.


<PropertyDef Name=’CauseOfDeath’ Type=’Text’/>

A description of the cause of death.


<PropertyDef Name=’GroupEnter’ Type=’GroupRef’/>

<PropertyDef Name=’GroupLeave’ Type=’GroupRef’/>

Indicates that the animal was becoming a member of the indicated group, or leaving it. Although this information will eventually contribute to the Animal’s <MemberOf> element, note that these Property values are evidence rather than conclusion, and so may differ in different sources.


<PropertyDef Name=’DateOfReg’ Type=’Date’/>

Date of registration or recording of the information source. This is not the same as the Event date derived from that source. For instance, date of birth registration as opposed to date of birth itself. NB: This generic Property should be used sparingly as using an equivalent Event provides more options, e.g. using Constraints to sequence, say, a birth event before the registration of that birth.


<PropertyDef Name=’RegPlace’ Type=’PlaceRef’/>

Place of registration or recording of the information source. This is not the same as the Event location derived from that source. For instance, place of marriage registration as opposed to place of the wedding itself.



Any custom Animal properties can also be used in the context of ANIMAL_PROPERTY. See Extended Properties.